Vocational Skill Training for Women

Women in our society are completely financially dependent on their husbands since they usually don’t get an opportunity to gain any kind of vocational skills or qualifications. Instead of practicing an income-generating profession they are considered to be housewives, i.e. their common task assignment is restricted to housework and parenting. This discrimination of women also extends to the job market. Even if a woman is allowed to go for work, the only jobs they can find are in farming, constructing and tailoring sectors where they earn far less money than men. But with regard to the poor families in Wayanad, an additional income by the wives would be an important relief. This holds even more true for widows and their families. For them an income-generating job is nothing less than vital.



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FC Bank Account: State Bank of India

Account Number: 107 382 652 73

IFSC Code: SBIN0003035

Text: Vocational Skill

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Non-FC Bank Account: State Bank of India

Account Number: 106 071 778 28

IFSC Code: SBIN0006456

Text: Vocational Skill

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